MARCH 2022


Knowledge Transfer

Oral Health Care Information Sharing

The Faculty is committed to sharing latest Faculty research and oral health care information with the public.

Summary of Media Highlights from 14 Feb to 15 Mar 2022:

Column (護齒一生) on AM730

Date Topic Contributor
16 Feb 胎兒會不會從母親的牙齒攝取鈣質?
(Will fetus steal calcium from mother’s teeth?)
Dr Conson Yeung, Clinical Practitioner in Cariology
2 Mar 牙醫學院四十周年 –「世界口腔健康日」多語網上問答比賽
(40th anniversary – World Oral Health Day Multilingual Online Quiz)
Faculty of Dentistry


Column (齒生有你) on Oriental Daily

Date Topic Contributor
24 Feb 青口複合物揭可助補牙黏接
(Mussel-derived compound enhances durability of dental filling treatment)
Dr James Tsoi, Associate Professor in Dental Materials Science
10 Mar 3月20日「世界口腔健康日」 - 口腔好,身體好
(World Oral Health Day 20 March – Good health comes along with good oral health)
Professor Edward Lo, Chair Professor in Dental Public Health


Column (香港大學牙醫學院) on Medical Inspire

Date Topic Contributor
18 Feb 早期矯正牙齒的重要性
(Importance of early orthodontics treatment)
Dr Lin Yifan, Assistat Clinical Professor in Orthodontics


Other Media Coverage

Date Media and Topic Origin / Interviewee
14 Feb Now TV 【杏林在線】: 多生的牙齒
(Now TV: supernumerary tooth)
Dr Dion Li, Clinical Assistant Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
22 Feb Dental Tribune: Mussel-inspired compound enhances adhesion of dental filling material Professor Cynthia Yiu, Clinical Professor in Paediatric Dentistry and Dr James Tsoi, Associate Professor in Dental Materials Science
1 March

40th anniversary – World Oral Health Day Multilingual Online Quiz

Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Medical Inspire

Master Insight

Press Release


To view the media coverage, please visit:


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